Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Check Your Motorcycle Tires

Motorcycle Tire Safety

motorbike tires
If your motorcycle is cruising along at 55 mph and your rear tire suddenly has a blow out, you now have a tremendously dangerous challenge ahead of you.

Avoiding other vehicles, controlling the steering, a swaying rear-end making everything unstable – makes for a sizable victory when you roll off the side of the road ... 

Click here to read more about Your Motorcycle Tires http://cheap-cars-brisbane.com/125/check-your-motorcycle-tires/

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Car Tires are Your Safety Link to Using the Road

Car Tire Safety

road safety Car tires are a vital component regarding the overall safety of road use. Unfortunately many people afford them little credit in this regard, and tend to view tires as “just there”.

The fact of the matter is that tires are your contact with the road.
One of the most hazardous places you can ... 

Click here to read more about Car Tires are Your Safety http://cheap-cars-brisbane.com/car-tires-are-your-safety-link-to-using-the-road/

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Car Dealers Scams

Car Selling Scams

getting away with money
  • Forced Credit Application
If you expect to pay for a car outright with cash, or with a bank draft or check that is your right and ultimately a sensible approach. Some dealerships will not let you. They are trying to get you into paying monthly terms, which of course means more money for them.
Some statements you may hear include: ... 

Click here to read more about Car Dealers Scams http://cheap-cars-brisbane.com/car-dealers-scams/

Friday, September 7, 2012

Test Driving A Used Car

Test Driving a Car

When buying a “new” used car, firstly, try and not get caught up in the fact that this is a new “toy” and get over excited by a new acquisition, it’s how the vehicle runs that is important. Take it for a serious test drive before you make any decision.

Second-hand cars bought from private owners don’t come with any warranty. You don’t want to buy someone else’s problem, or, for that matter, a... 
Click here to read more about Test Driving A Used Car http://cheap-cars-brisbane.com/test-driving-a-used-car/